
Why Health Plans and Employers Need Stop Loss Reporting

By MedeAnalytics

Due to rising healthcare costs and the Affordable Care Act removing the ban on capitated benefits coverage, numerous employers with self-insured health plans often purchase stop loss coverage. This coverage is not medical insurance; but rather, it’s a financial and risk management tool that protects the employer from excessive claims.

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Bridge the Payer/Provider Data Gap

By MedeAnalytics

Every patient has a plethora of data associated with their health record, which can include decades of enrollments, claims, accounts and charges. Much of this data is not housed within the same institutional, facility or provider database…

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Digging deeper: Leveraging analytics to boost service line profitability

By MedeAnalytics

Regardless of the size of the hospital or health system, you need to look beyond traditional operational metrics to fully understand your organization’s performance. Insights into revenue, volume, cost, quality and variation across service lines are key to improving both performance and profitability.

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