

Harnessing the power of Social Risk Insights

Understanding social risk benefits health systems and health plans by offering critical insight into the severity and chronicity of social adversity that each individual is facing—and how that is shaping their health outcomes. While this concept is not new, recent innovations in AI and advanced analytics are opening new opportunities. Payers and providers can now have visibility into individual and community health in a way they’ve never had before.


Top areas of impact for Medicaid managed care analytics

Analytics is critical for MCOs to support key cost and quality objectives. Download this resource to explore how data-based strategies can help organizations accomplish important goals and improve existing healthcare services for Medicaid beneficiaries.

Catch upstream errors early with real-time, longitudinal insights

With Workforce Quality Insights, revenue cycle managers can access personalized, collective dashboards, enabling essential visibility into how point-of-service activities and behaviors are impacting back-end financial performance.


Make the most of augmented analytics

Augmented analytics enables organizations to analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, making it easier to uncover trends and takeaways. When deployed correctly, its simplicity and clear output also helps non-technical users access, understand, and act upon data.


Six tips for successfully navigating CalAIM

To successfully adapt to the changes and requirements laid out under CalAIM, MCPs must have strong data analytics systems in place to guide their strategy and decision-making. Access to strong reporting and thorough analysis is essential for MCPs to successfully improve the equity, completeness and quality of care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries.


Three tips for enhancing physician documentation practices

Getting physicians involved in and excited about documentation improvement initiatives is often easier said than done. At Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), these practices brought documentation success even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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