CHIME Series: Are You Making the Most of Your Analytics Investment?

This week we are continuing to share our College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) survey results with you. The focus is specifically around the question: Do you feel that you have realized the full ROI of your data warehouse and analytics investments? The results were telling – with close to 100 percent responding “no.” The healthcare industry continues to view data and analytics as top priorities to driving change. We have outlined best practices and strategies to ensure healthcare organizations receive the full potential of their IT investments while making strides to maximize value through the improvement of quality care and reduction in costs.

In partnering with our clients, MedeAnalytics works to ensure that the large hospital investment – both from a cost and organizational perspective – is realized. The key to achieving an overall best-practice strategy is to not only take data to insight but also into action. Below are five steps healthcare organizations can do to get their analytics investment on track: 

  • Identify enterprise champions – They will be the point-people to turn data into change as they will lead the entire organization’s attitude on data governance. Establishing authority will create a trickledown effect ensuring value is tracked and achieved.
  • Find value in existing data – Organizations should leverage their core data set and claims data, but also pull in existing ancillary data to have a better understanding of their organization.
  • Create a data-driven culture – An analytics department ensures that the entire business is standardizing and handling data consistently, but also encourages the new analytics department to champion a holistic approach towards data management.
  • Outline and develop manageable goals – Instead of tackling all problems at once, start small. By setting a goal with real, manageable next steps, the organization can quickly perceive value in an enterprise initiative.
  • Train, train, train – Repeated trainings and regular communications ensure long-term success. By holding teams accountable, while empowering them with resources to succeed, data sharing efforts across the enterprise are bound to improve.

An investment in analytics is the first step toward becoming a data-driven healthcare organization; however, the real change comes from leadership and education. To learn more about analytics best practices, download our whitepaper here. For success stories, access our case studies here. If you’re looking for guidance on how to make the most of your analytics investment – make sure to contact us:

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MedeAnalytics is a leader in healthcare analytics, providing innovative solutions that enable measurable impact for healthcare payers and providers. With the most advanced data orchestration in healthcare, payers and providers count on us to deliver actionable insights that improve financial, operational, and clinical outcomes. To date, we’ve helped uncover millions of dollars in savings annually.

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