Success Story: How Nebraska Methodist Health System leveraged analytics to transform revenue cycle efficiency

Patient accounting systems (PASs) are valuable sources of revenue cycle information for hospitals, but they are often not equipped with the deep analytics capabilities necessary to quickly identify trends and make changes. Realizing this, not-for-profit health system Nebraska Methodist partnered with MedeAnalytics to maximize the value of its patient accounting system.

The Challenge:

Leadership at Nebraska Methodist, a four-hospital not-for-profit health system, wanted greater access to self-service analytics and real-time analytics than its patient accounting system was built to provide. Specifically, the hospital system sought to address:

  • Increasing AR days
  • Lack of access into claim-level detail
  • Insufficient visibility into staff productivity
  • Rising denial rates

The Solution

Nebraska Methodist utilized MedeAnalytics’ Business Office Suite to gain the self-service analytics and real-time insights necessary to increase efficiency and uncover improvement opportunities in the revenue cycle. Business Office enables end users and analysts to:

  • Run reports and create new dashboards in minutes
  • Monitor productivity levels of AR staff and quickly resolve any issues
  • Drill down into transactions and trends in more depth
  • Track and examine root causes of denials in order to transform processes and avoid future denials

Measurable Impact:

Nebraska Methodist’s partnership with MedeAnalytics drove significant reductions in denials, increased staff productivity and improved data management across the entire hospital system.

11% reduction in denial rate$12.9M in avoided denials

“[Having] additional analytics has been invaluable. Paired with our patient accounting system, it allows our entire revenue cycle team to get the immediate insights and data we need to make significant improvements.”

– Michelle Comeault, Revenue Performance Manager

Read the full success story here.

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MedeAnalytics is a leader in healthcare analytics, providing innovative solutions that enable measurable impact for healthcare payers and providers. With the most advanced data orchestration in healthcare, payers and providers count on us to deliver actionable insights that improve financial, operational, and clinical outcomes. To date, we’ve helped uncover millions of dollars in savings annually.

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