Quality Insights Logo. Improve value-based care quality and population health outcomes.

Quality Insights

Improve value-based care quality and population health outcomes

The rise of value-based care has inevitably spurred heightened focus on quality improvement across the healthcare ecosystem. There are two sides to this coin: measures and members. On the measures side, health plans are working to align with strict national standards and state-specific requirements (think: HEDIS, Star ratings). On the members side, payers are striving to understand their patient populations more fully and provide more timely, appropriate interventions.

Delivering comprehensive solutions to enhance performance and outcomes


Siloed, incompatible information from EMRs, claims and other sources hinder efficient quality calculations and data submission


Unnecessary ED visits and readmissions drive up costs and decrease member satisfaction



Insufficient, unreliable data on clinical performance deters provider engagement


Celebrating big wins with Quality Insights

West Coast In-Home Care Payvider reduced readmissions by 40%

West coast in-home care payvider

Powered by MedeAnalytics capabilities and platform, this innovative ‘payvider’ used predictive analytics to stratify risk, assess cost and utilization patterns, and improve care for the most complex segment of the population.

West Coast In-Home Care Payvider reduced readmissions by 40%

Analytics in action

Our intelligent platform and intuitive user interface make it easy to unlock the value of your data. In as little as three clicks, we bring meaningful insights, powerful visualization, and analytics innovation to help you make an even bigger impact at your organization.

As you click through our example dashboards, hover over the image to explore a few key features.

HEDIS Measures
QI - HEDIS Measures Dashboard

Assess HEDIS measure performance and compliance

Star Ratings
Gaps in Care

Dive deeper into Quality Insights

Download the data sheet to see how Quality Insights can help your health plan improve care quality and outcomes.

Visit our Value-Based Care Blueprint page for everything you need to know to navigate the intersection of value and analytics.

Get our take on industry trends

Measuring provider cost and utilization

January 19, 2021

No matter the time of year, payers and providers should work to agree on a shared source of truth when it comes to data. With the recent end of the year, it’s time to celebrate the new year (who isn’t ready to say goodbye to 2020?) and close the books, which includes the reconciliation of any shared savings or losses.

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Data visualization: A picture is worth a thousand…healthcare data points?

Data visualization: A picture is worth a thousand…healthcare data points?

January 12, 2021

The amount of data produced daily has grown exponentially with nearly 90% of the world’s data generated in the last two years alone. To ensure we can make sense of this data, analysts must find meaningful ways to present the information to their audiences.

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How to help employer groups plan in a time of uncertainty

June 15, 2020

Employers and their sponsored health plans are thinking about next year’s benefit designs with a significant challenge not seen before: the effect of the coronavirus pandemic. There are important considerations to take into account before making any decisions about new or existing coverage. Becky Niehus, a director of Product Consulting at MedeAnalytics, explores these new issues and what employers can do to ensure employees are “covered.”

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Healthcare’s return to “normal” after COVID-19: Is it possible?

June 9, 2020

As providers determine how to get patients to return to facilities for routine disease management and preventive screenings, opportunities are ripe for the application of analytics to triage at the right time to the right setting. Data related to COVID-19 will continue to flow rapidly, but there are possibly more questions than answers now about a return to “normal.”

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Want to talk with one of our experts?

Payer Value Analytics: Our full lineup of payer solutions

Everything you need to step into the future of healthcare and drive real change across populations.


Quality Insights

Activate insights into population health and quality to improve satisfaction and outcomes for members and maintain a competitive position in the market.


See the solution ❯


Employer Insights

Elevate data sharing with employer groups to demonstrate plan value and increase efficacy of risk stratification and care management plans.


See the solution ❯


Network Insights

Accelerate provider performance with evidence-based outcomes comparisons, cost-effectiveness analyses, and extensive segmentation capabilities.


See the solution ❯