Analytic application addresses complex needs of Medicaid populations

EMERYVILLE, Calif., Feb. 20, 2013 – MedeAnalytics, a leading provider of healthcare performance management solutions, announced today that Community First Health Plans (CFHP) has selected MedeAnalytics’ Medicaid Performance Management solution.

“Working with MedeAnalytics will help us meet our commitment to great care for Texans by Texans and achieve the goals of the Texas Medicaid Managed Care Quality Strategy,” said Patrina Fowler, chief operating officer at Community First Health Plans.

“Our mission is to assist our clients in their efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. Our advanced analytics, coupled with industry and local knowledge, will help CFHP manage their populations and improve outcomes,” said Scott Paddock, senior vice president and general manager, payer business unit at MedeAnalytics. “We are delighted to be of service to Community First Health Plans.”

Medicaid Performance Management is a web-based business intelligence solution that enables Medicaid organizations to solve the medical and provider network management challenges they face in providing access to care for vulnerable populations. By addressing the specific needs of low-income families and the care of high-volume, multi-comorbid, chronically ill beneficiaries, Medicaid plans can identify areas of improvement in both cost and quality and ensure effective, efficient, high-quality care for their members.

About Community First Health Plans
CFHP was established in 1995, by the University Health System, specifically to begin providing health care coverage to the citizens of Bexar and the surrounding seven counties. As the only locally owned and managed, non-profit health plan in the area, CFHP’s commitment to its members is to provide great health care benefits backed by outstanding service, delivered by people who live in South Texas.

About MedeAnalytics
Founded in 1994, MedeAnalytics delivers performance management solutions across the healthcare system—including hospitals, physician practices and payers—to ensure accountability and improve financial, operational and clinical outcomes. For more information, visit