Success Story: How ConcertoCare reduced hospitalizations among high-risk populations with predictive analytics

ConcertoCare (previously called Concerto Health) is a leading, risk-bearing provider of field-based complex care for vulnerable populations in California. By focusing on addressing social determinants of health, they apply data to effectively deliver high-touch, individualized care to create measurable impact.

The Challenge:

ConcertoCare came to MedeAnalytics with a few central business objectives:

  • Address vulnerable populations
  • Reduce hospitalizations for target groups
  • Segment population groups for effective care management.

They also had big goals for growing analytics and reporting capabilities, including determining “impactable” populations for interventions, aggregating data for patient stratification and cost analysis, and obtaining actionable insights about vulnerable patient populations.

The Solution:

Our Population Health solution enables ConcertoCare to stratify risk and to assess cost and utilization patterns in the population to identify appropriate areas for intervention. More specifically, they:

  • Use predictive analytics to impact the most complex 5% of the population and address rising risk in up to 20% of the population.
  • Proactively look at Cost and Utilization patterns to identify and prioritize care and interventions for the patients who are the most vulnerable and most at risk.
  • Categorize data by assigning Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACGs) to each patient based on morbidity, age and sex.

Measurable Impact:

ConcertoCare’s innovative population health analytics powered by MedeAnalytics substantially reduced hospitalization rates below the national averages for its Medicare patients.

  • Admissions by 47%
  • Readmissions by 40%
  • ER visits by 16%

“We were able to significantly decrease unnecessary utilization for an entire population with MedeAnalytics’ predictive analytics.The insights allow the ConcertoCare home-based care team to intervene with patients to slow down disease progression and keep them safely out of the hospital, while uniquely addressing their myriad of complex care needs.”

 – Dr. Chris Dodd M.D., Chief Clinical Officer

To read the full story behind the numbers, download the success story.

Editorial Team

MedeAnalytics is a leader in healthcare analytics, providing innovative solutions that enable measurable impact for healthcare payers and providers. With the most advanced data orchestration in healthcare, payers and providers count on us to deliver actionable insights that improve financial, operational, and clinical outcomes. To date, we’ve helped uncover millions of dollars in savings annually.

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