
How to run a successful analytics rollout

By Mike Doeff

Healthcare executives across the industry are citing value-based care and health equity as two of their top priorities in 2024. To execute successfully on these goals, health plans and care providers must be…

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Using analytics to integrate physical and mental health in whole-person healthcare

By David Schweppe

In the realm of healthcare, it is paramount to view physical and mental health as inherently interconnected aspects of wellbeing that have a profound influence on one another. Embracing a comprehensive approach that…

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No stone left unturned: Leveraging telehealth for whole-person care

By Christine Smith Stetler, RN

Social determinants of health are grouped into five domains: economic stability, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context. These domains encompass all aspects…

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Nailing the fundamentals of value-based care

By Brian Norris

It was the summer of 1961, and Vince Lombardi was set to coach the Green Bay Packers. In front of him at summer camp was a group of professional football players that had…

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Kick your revenue cycle into a new gear for the new year

By Editorial Team

Billions of dollars have been invested into electronic health records—and as we’ve said before, they’re great at what they do. But no system is perfect. In this blog post, you’ll find a rapid-fire…

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The imperative of value-based care: How it’s going and where it’s headed

By Brian Norris

In the evolving landscape of healthcare, the transition to value-based care stands out as one of the most pivotal initiatives. Still, it has taken several years—and a global pandemic—to gain serious traction. The…

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5 FAQs about data fabric

By Editorial Team

Data fabric is a term that is growing in recognition throughout technology spaces, but most healthcare leaders still have questions about what data fabric encompasses and why it matters for their organizational success.…

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Cheers to 30 more years!

By Editorial Team

MedeAnalytics recently celebrated 30 years of impact. In the spirit of celebration, our CEO Steve Grieco sat down with Andy Dé for a special Impact Innovation Fireside Chat. They discussed big wins of the…

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Where generative AI and healthcare intersect

By Editorial Team

Here at MedeAnalytics, we’re all a little nerdy. We get excited about what’s on the horizon for technology and spend our days thinking up new ways to meaningfully apply emerging innovations to healthcare.…

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Is what you’re asking for really what you need? Tips for getting to the root of the problem—and finding the right solution

By David Schweppe

As a lifelong data enthusiast and healthcare leader, one of my primary objectives is to help transform a reservoir of seemingly disconnected inputs and information into meaningful insights and strategic direction. Over the…

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