Designed a customizable suite of dashboards and reports with robust data analytics and industry benchmarks to generate a 6-month pay back time on solution, 75% reduction in ad-hoc report TAT for employers, and $4K Rx savings per script for HIV patients.
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Comprehensive support for your top value-based care priorities
MedeAnalytics helps payers gain self-service visibility into drivers of cost and quality, allowing them to transform their relationship with clients and impact on population health management. With the ability to track, trend and drill down into root causes, payers can understand where there are opportunities to combat some of today’s biggest challenges. These include:
- Management of value-based care programs
- High treatment costs
- Ineffective identification of at-risk members
- Unnecessary hospital utilization
- Provider negotiations
- Lack of transparency with employers
- Population health and quality management
Everything you need to drive real impact with value-based care
Go further: Explore our Payer Value Analytics solutions for value-based care and population health management
Quality Insights
Activate insights into population health and quality to improve satisfaction and outcomes for members and maintain a competitive position in the market.
Employer Insights
Elevate data sharing with employer groups to demonstrate plan value and increase efficacy of risk stratification and care management plans.
Network Insights
Accelerate provider performance with evidence-based outcomes comparisons, cost-effectiveness analyses, and extensive segmentation capabilities.
Talk with our experts about the power of analytics
Get our take on industry trends
Digging deeper: Leveraging analytics to boost service line profitability
Regardless of the size of the hospital or health system, you need to look beyond traditional operational metrics to fully understand your organization’s performance. Insights into revenue, volume, cost, quality and variation across service lines are key to improving both performance and profitability.
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