Matt EylesRichardson, Texas – (June 4, 2024) –  MedeAnalytics, a healthcare enterprise data enrichment platform and analytics software-as-a-service (SaaS) leader, announced today the appointment of Matt Eyles to its board of directors. Eyles brings a wealth of healthcare experience and expertise, having served as the immediate past president and CEO of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the national association representing health insurance providers.


“We are thrilled to welcome Matt Eyles to our board of directors,” said Steve Grieco, CEO of MedeAnalytics. “His extensive experience and deep understanding of the healthcare landscape will be paramount as we continue to innovate and provide measurable value to our clients. Through strategic advisory services and our event-driven, multi-cloud data fabric, we’re focused on providing seamless and transformational technology that improves effectiveness, reduces costs, and enables better outcomes for organizations and patients. Having Matt on our board ensures we’ll continue to develop and deliver the right critical solutions to the market.”


With over three decades of experience in both the private sector and government, Eyles has played instrumental roles in shaping healthcare policy and advocating for affordable healthcare coverage and care for all Americans. During his tenure at AHIP, Eyles led the association in expanding access to healthcare through a competitive marketplace, revitalizing advocacy efforts, and strengthening membership, operations and finances.


Eyles’ contributions to the healthcare industry have been widely recognized, with honors including being named one of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare by Modern Healthcare for five consecutive years (2018-2022), a Top Lobbyist by The Hill, and a Healthcare Power Player by Business Insider.


“Having worked with the executive leadership teams at the nation’s leading health insurance providers, I know that the breadth of MedeAnalytics’ product and service offerings will play a pivotal role in supporting positive change that improves outcomes, quality, value and affordability for the industry and its customers,” said Matt Eyles. “MedeAnalytics’ focus on innovation and enabling an integrated ecosystem instead of operating in siloes is exactly what our healthcare system needs to ensure all players are operating at the top of their license. I’m thrilled to be joining the board and working with this forward-thinking leadership team.”


Prior to his leadership at AHIP, Eyles held various senior positions at Fortune 150 healthcare companies such as Wyeth/Pfizer and Coventry/Aetna, where he spearheaded initiatives in public policy, government affairs, advocacy, and corporate communications. He also has executive experience in consulting, providing strategic guidance to organizations across all healthcare sectors at Avalere.